Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Hang Out Seru Tanpa Gangguan
Hang Out Seru Tanpa Gangguan.
Sesekali kita boleh hang out bersama teman atau kerabat tercinta. Untuk menghemat biaya perjalanan sekaligus memperpanjang durasi kebersamaan, kita bisa memanfaatkan satu kendaraan bersama-sama. Beberapa orang teman bisa nebeng di mobil teman yang lain. Selama perjalanan bisa bertukar cerita seru, dan si pengemudi bisa agak relax dan terhibur oleh rekan atau teman yang menebeng.
Kebersamaan ini jangan sampai rusak karena adanya hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan seperti misalnya bensin yang tiba-tiba habis, oli bocor, lampu kendaraan yang tidak menyala atau mungkin aki mobil yang soak. Selain merusak mood, juga merusak momen kebersamaan.
Untuk mencegah hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan selama perjalanan, cek kendaraan sebelum digunakan. Cek air radiator, oli, cek aki mobil. Jika aki soak maka fungsi kendaraan tidak berjalan optimal.
Namun jika hal itu tetap terjadi padahal sudah dilakukan pengecekan sebelumnya, maka jangan resah dan gelisah. Kita bisa menggunakan layanan aki antar #GSAstraDelivery dari Shop and Drive. Caranya pun sangat mudah, kita tinggal menelpon ke 15-000-15 dan aki baru sesuai pesanan akan segera diantar dan dipasangkan. Simple kan? Layanan pesan aki antar ini bisa untuk siapa, termasuk para pengemudi wanita yang kebanyakan ga begitu paham mengenai kendaraan yang sering digunakannya.
Nah jika aki sudah oke, hampir fungsi kendaraan bisa beroperasi normal. Seperti lampu, AC, radio/tape yang membuat perjalanan hang out jadi lebih menyenangkan. Ya bisa sih ngewa taksi online, tapi kok rasanya lebih akrab jika kita bisa menebeng teman. Ya temen sih temen, jangan lupa, dia manusia juga, mobilnya juga mobil biasa juga. Yang artinya si pengemudi tetap akan merasa lelah mengendarai kendaraan selama perjalanan dan si mobil tetap butuh bahan bakar untuk operasional perjalanannya. Para penebeng sih baiknya bisa sama-sama patungan biaya perjalanan seikhlasnya sebagai pengganti uang cape dan uang bensin kepada si pengemudi. Hitung-hitung kita bantu teman. Siapa tahu dia memang sedang dalam kesulitan, ya kan?
Jadi, kamu termasuk si penebeng atau pemberi tebengan jika ada acara hang out bersama?
Tulisan ini diikutsertakan dalam Storytelling Competition GSAstraDelivery.
5 Tips for Peaceful Holiday
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pic source: weheartit |
Who will take care the pets tomorrow? Or,
Geez, how if electricity morgue because of token PLN depleted? Oh my vegetables in the refrigerator going to be damaged. Or, OMG my health insurance dues it paid or not? But this month my Mama went to the clinic for check up.
If all above in your mind while on vacation, believe me, you will had so stressful holiday and. And after a vacation you rush home, tangled hair, face pouted because you don't really enjoy your vacation.
So, for let yourself a safe and peaceful vacation, there's a tips you could do:
#1 Plan vacation ahead of time
Yes it should do, so everything was well planned. Planned well about costs and doing research about tourism destinations. The farther, the more we can remember what kind that we have to prepare.
#2 Make a list things to do
Important! Make a list of things to do in the planner or if do not have that, you could write on the calendar. If the calendar is too small to make a plan, wrote in a post-it sticker and stick that to a place that we are often passing, as in the front door of the room, on the board. What kind of content?
Simple, example :
Kitty will entrusted to my neighbor mrs. A, prepare food 1 packet, sand for kitty poop and 'helping fees' about 10 dollars.
Kitty will entrusted to my neighbor mrs. A, prepare food 1 packet, sand for kitty poop and 'helping fees' about 10 dollars.
#3 Prepare holiday supplies
In addition to packing clothes, we also need to buy some goods more that we will need on our vacation object. Sunglasses for example, or a thick jacket, or a new suitcase padlock.
#4 Obey your list of things-to-do
List Things-to-do was made to be obeyed. If it just written, but you don't care of obey so you will messing up anything you already plan for vacation.
Especially pay bills for insurance health, phone bills, electric bills. By the way, now we could pay all bill by online, choose online for simple and easy way.
#5 Prepare local cash
If your object of vacation is out of the country, change your cash into local currency. It's not funny until we landed on foreign airports, you are so hungry and would like to having snack or drink but you must be waiting for the money changer is open.
If you take vacation on local tourist destination, it is also necessary cash money, because we do not know where the location of the nearest ATM.
All of tips already checked? Hurray, it means you're ready for the holidays with a quiet and peaceful mind.
So let's get lost!
If you take vacation on local tourist destination, it is also necessary cash money, because we do not know where the location of the nearest ATM.
All of tips already checked? Hurray, it means you're ready for the holidays with a quiet and peaceful mind.
So let's get lost!
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
5 Tips Liburan Tenang Dan Damai
5 Tips Liburan Tenang Dan Damai.
Siapa sih yang ga mau liburan dengan tenang dan damai? Maksudnya liburan tanpa pusing mikirin ini itu seperti ntar binatang piaraan hari ini siapa yang jaga?
Besokannya siapa yang jaga? Atau,
Ya ampun, kalo listrik rumah mati gegara token PLN habis gimana? Sayur mayur di kulkas bakalan rusak. Atau,
O em ji, iuran BPJS Kesehatan bulan ini blom dibayar padahal si Mama mau berobat ke klinik.
Kalo semua hal diatas ada di pikiranmu saat liburan, believe me, liburan malahan jadi stress dan degdeg an. Pulang liburan, rambut kusut, muka manyun karena ga kerasa nuansa liburannya.
Makanya, biar liburannya aman dan damai, saya punya tips kece nih.
#1 Rencanakan liburan jauh-jauh hari
Ya supaya segala sesuatunya terencana dengan baik. Ya biayanya, ya riset ttg destinasi wisatanya. Makin jauh, makin banyak yang bisa kita ingat apa aja yang harus kita persiapkan.
#2 Buat list things to do
Penting! Bikin things to do list di planner atau kalo ga punya, ya bolehlah di kalender, atau kalo kalender terlalu kecil bikin aja di sticker post-it trus ditempel di tempat kita lalu lalang, seperti di depan pintu kamar, di papan tulis. Apa aja isinya?
Simpel aja, ga usah dengan bahasa formal. Contohnya :
Si puss dititip ke tetangga A, siapkan makanannya 1 bungkus, pasir pupnya dan 'ongkos' terimakasihnya 100k
#3 Siapkan Perlengkapan Liburan
Selain packing baju, perlu juga kita beli beberapa barang yang kurang. Misalnya Sunglasses, atau Jaket tebal, atau gembok koper yang baru.
#4 Patuhi List things-to-do
List Things-to-do dibuat untuk dipatuhi. Kalo cuma ditulis doang mah, siap-siap grabak-grubuk pas berangkat liburan.
Terutama bayar tagihan BPJS Kesehatan, isi pulsa, beli token PLN online. Btw, sekarang jaman online, ya bayar online ajalah, simple dan praktis.
#5 Siapkan uang cash lokal
Maksudnya ya kalo keluar negri, tukarkan rupiah ke mata uang setempat. Ga lucu kan sampe bandara negara asing, mau jajan minum aja nunggu money changer buka.
Kalo liburannya di destinasi wisata lokal, perlu juga uang cash, karena kita kan ga tau dimana letak ATM terdekat.
Udah semua? Aseeek, berarti kamu siap liburan dengan tenang dan damai.
Yuk ah berangkat!!!
Sunday, November 20, 2016
4 Ways to Clean Our Face Optimally
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pic source: pinterest |
#1 Skip washing your face in the morning
Yeah your eye wasn't lie, the number one tips as what you read above. So it could be a pleasant news for us who often lazy to dress up or clean our face patienty in the morning instead? Yeah we do not need too often washing our face in a day, even twice a day, it is quite a lot. Which should wash or clean the face is the part of us that have oily or acne-prone skin. So treat this as a discount so we, who have a normal skin will no longer grounded in cleaning our face every time we have to do it.
#2 Clean your face twice during night
Clean your face twice when night before bed is very important for the sake of good quality sleeping and our skin can be regenerated well. Cleaning face is also very necessary for women who have to wear makeup all day long, to avoid the dirt left on the face will cause clogged pores. Clean the face first with cleansing milk or the like, then wash your face with facial foam in order to obtain maximum cleansing before bed.
#3 Choose the right cleanser for your face
Get to know in advance what our face skin type, are our face has dry skin, oily, acne or something else? So many options for facial foam, maybe it was too many kinds of products and we are also increasingly difficult to choose one as the best friend of our skin. Do not forget to find out for review per product. But if your skin type including dry and sensitive, preferred to choose a form of cleansing milk facial cleanser and face tonic. If your skin is more like oily types, foaming gel cleanser shaped face will balance our skin condition. However, if the conditions of our face was pimply, look for cleansers formula contains salicylic acid to keep pores clean.
#4 Lower the water temperature
If because some condition we forced to sleep in the early morning and feel cold when it is time to wash our face, please do not wash your face with hot water whatever the conditions. Hot water caused our skin to become dry. And if we've heard that the cold water can close the pores, notes that it is a myth. Best friend for our skin to stay comfortable with is a warm water.
Saturday, November 19, 2016
5 Tips Healthy Eating But Not Pricey
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pic source: pinterest |
Are you curious because their tempted result, so you begin to ask ask the caterings price list which is er... pretty pricey. If only we reserved once cycle of diet because we wanted so much and curious about, so it's okay. But if sustained repeated orders for next cycle of diet maybe you need to thinking again and again.
Though eating healthy does not mean expensive, you know, if we take the time to prepare our own menu and made our own diet cycle menus.
Do you done trying prepared its own menu and feel it still expensive?
Ah if the difference of up to several tens of thousands rupiahs for any organic food or healthier food so come on think about it, it's all worthed to pay, is far more cheap than the treatment we need to pay when we get sick. Or maybe what you've done is not enough proper planning ? For more details, check out 5 healthy eating tips while saving for our evaluation:
#1 Check discount and promos
Women and discount / promo is a good friend. If our radar is usually for hunting dress, makeup or baby diapers so from now on we need to targeted a healthy food. Priority list for hunting the sale first, then our healthy diet depend on that. If we got broccoli on sale, so yes today and the following day broccoli will became our menus. Maybe we can cooking broccoli as soup.
#2 Nuts, seeds and bulk herbs
Buy anything even food in bulk will be usually less expensive, this certainly because anything in bulk usually should be unbranded. But do not forget to shop bulk food from a reliable place. With grocery shopping in bulk we can buy groceries as needed, if we doesn't want to stock the food in our kitchen so we can buy a little to keep the food remains fresh.
#3 Just go to shop online and do supermarket checks when required
Women and shopping can not be separated, in any case, including food. To avoid buy too many kinds of food that we can cook or need in maybe a week better we're not go to the supermarket or just window shopping at the online store healthy food oftenly. Be careful for the temptation that can lead us to buy it.
#4 Create the shopping list
Define duration of shopping for example once a week and make a list of food that we needed in that time period, focusing ourselves to buy only what is listed.
#5 Take adventage from freezer
Do not immediately throw away all the food on rest of the day, put in different food container and place in freezer for the next day. Take an advantage from the freezer to keep food always in good condition so we can enjoy the food again after reheated the next day. It help us so much on saving isn't it?
Sunday, November 6, 2016
5 Reasons Not To Set Up Pension Funds That Must Be Stopped
Currently you are working, as well as your husband. Your husband may be working in a company with a great career and you have a pastry shop not far from our home and already has some loyal customers. Income from your pastry shop of course entirely yours. Shopping anything you liked maybe easy, not so big deal because you have your own money.
Or perhaps you and your husband just married recently and had just planned to build household's ladder economy better?
But have you ever think about retiring and has started to put aside your income for retirement? Retirement is something that will definitely coming, even you have so many of plans and pretty much of income, we could not determine through it with full readiness.
These reasons may be familiar with yourselves in order to avoid preparing a pension plan. What is it?
#1 "Do not have enough or much money."
Some people will argue that they have no more money to be allocated as a pension after paying routine bills. Do you belong? But without thinking twice, why we were able to spend up to 500,000 IDR a month to eat somewhere nice or traveling? However, if they set aside half of that amount, in only 10 months would be 2,500,000 IDR. Just imagine if 30 years along with interest.
#2 "I'm young, I still have plenty of time to save money to retire."
No you know the more you getting old year by year, the more allocation of expenditure which made our earnings less rest. That's why do not delay, do it as early as possible.
#3 "I have a right to have fun with my money, because I already working so hard for it."
Well it is true that you are always entitled to your money but do not forget to predict the future too. So from now on, divided your money into two allocations, have fun now and for your retirement in the future... isn't it sound fun and guaranteed?
#4 "If I retire, I will sell my house,"
Is you include a person that thinking like that? Well of course sell the house will generate a lot of money, especially if your house in a strategic location and sought after by many people. However, where will you live then? After all, we do not know what will happen when we retire, house prices maybe will be greatly influenced by the market price. Moreover, selling a home is not something that can be quickly done.
#5 "I want to focus on saving for children's education first, then retired,"
It has naturally character of parents to put the needs of their childrens before themselves. But you must remember this: if the needs of our childrens school feesrequires a lot of money, we can get extra money to pay it from scholarships or other types of aid. But if it is about to retire, no. We can only use the money we have saved.
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