Sunday, October 30, 2016

Simple Tips for Beach - Vacation

Entering the end of  year is the right time for some getaway to many national holidays that we can use to simply refreshing ourselves from everyday activities.

A trip to the beach being favorite destination to spending holiday. You can go to Bali or Lombok where is already famous with their beautiful beaches.

Before of the trip to the beach, you should plan carefully for your trip because the holiday season will cost you much more for inn or hotel and airplane tickets will be quickly sold out and if the tickets still available for you, definitely the price is way more expensive. In order for a vacation to the beach so will no bothering you with it's cost and you still enjoy it as much as you can, follow some fun tips below.

Choose Tour & Travel Services
If you are planning a vacation with friends or your clique, you better use the services of tour & travel. In addition you can get a complete and attractive deals, of course, the price will be cheaper then if you have to take care all by yourself. In addition, you get to enjoy the moment of your vacation. No need to bother with the followup preparation required for most activities and accommodation while on vacation has been prepared in full by tour & travel. Even so, you need smart carefully pick for tour & travel package. The qualified one tour and travel that will not disappoint you and destroy the beautiful moments during the holidays.

Choose Matches Clothes 
The clothing that will be taken while on vacation, if you choose to go to the beach, then clothes that  you choose should be made from cool and absorb sweat fabric. You can wear your favorite mini summer dress to be outfit to the beach and combined with the cross-eyed sunglasses. Or you can bring hot pants and tank top for more wearable outfit. Your vacation does not complete if you do not choose the best outfit to wear especially if you want to take many photographs on vacation, so wearing pretty outfit it's a must!

Preparing for Cash
No harm if you prepare some cash when going on vacation rather than searching for ATM. But remember it should not be over budget because then  you will run out of money after the holiday. You can trick that by allocating a budget to be spent per day and then separate your cash according to your budget.

So, are you already prepared for vacation?

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Tips Sederhana Saat Berlibur Ke Pantai

Memasuki penghujung akhir tahun memang saat yang tepat untuk liburan karena banyak hari libur nasional yang bisa kita manfaatkan untuk sekedar merefreshing diri dari aktivitas sehari-hari.

Berlibur ke pantai merupakan salah satu destinasi favorit untuk menghabiskan waktu libur. Kamu bisa pergi ke Bali ataupun Lombok yang memang sudah terkenal dengan berbagai pantai indahnya.

Sebelum berlibur ke pantai, ada baiknya kamu merencanakannya dengan matang terlebih lagi akhir tahun merupakan high-season liburan sehingga sudah dipastikan tempat penginapan ataupun tiket pesawat akan cepat habis dan jika tersedia pasti harganya lebih mahal. Supaya berlibur ke pantai jadi hemat dan tentunya semakin menyenangkan, ikuti dulu yuk beberapa tips asyik di bawah ini.

Pakai Jasa Tour & Travel

Jika kamu merencanakan berlibur dengan teman se-geng, lebih baik kamu memanfaatkan jasa tour & travel. Selain kamu bisa mendapatkan penawaran lengkap dan menarik, tentunya harganya akan lebih murah jika kamu harus mengurus sendiri. Selain itu, kamu juga lebih bisa menikmati momen liburannya. Tidak perlu ikutan repot dengan persiapan yang dibutuhkan karena sebagian besar kegiatan dan akomodasi saat liburan sudah disiapkan secara lengkap oleh tour & travel. Meskipun begitu, kamu tetap harus pintar memilih paket tour & travel yang berkualitas ya agar tidak mengecewakan dan menghancurkan momen indah saat liburan.

Pilih Pakaian yang Cocok

Pakaian yang akan dibawa saat berlibur terlebih lagi ke pantai sebaiknya berbahan adem dan menyerap keringat. Kamu bisa memakai summer dress mini favoritmu untuk menjadi outfit ke pantai dan dipadukan dengan sunglasses yang kece. Ataupun kamu bisa membawa hot pants dan tanktop untuk tampilan yang lebih praktis. Berlibur memang tidak lengkap rasanya jika kita tidak memikirkan outfit apa yang akan dipakai terlebih lagi jika kita ingin mengabadikannya lewat foto tentu outfit yang kece merupakan hal yang wajib kamu kenakan. 

Siapkan Uang Cash

Tidak ada salahnya kamu menyiapkan sejumlah uang cash saat akan berlibur ketimbang harus repot mencari-cari ATM. Tapi ingat ya jangan sampai over budget karena nanti yang ada kamu akan kehabisan uang setelah berlibur. Kamu bisa mensiasatinya dengan menganggarkan budget yang akan dihabiskan perhari lalu pisahkan uang cash-mu sesuai dengan anggaranmu itu.

Sudah siap berlibur? 

Monday, October 24, 2016

Why We Should Not Regret How Much We Spent When Traveling?

Traveling is something that often presents a dilemma in our minds. If we choose to not travel, stress of boredom from the routines from our home and our workplace could disturbing us. If we choose to traveling so we will be happy anyway, but at the end there is also a stress because we keep spend in tourist destinations. We are to feared that when we come home instead feel relax and happy, we burden of thinking for a credit card bills in a row.

Then since the beginning of holiday plan when we will do the traveling, maybe in our heads already think about how we will plan a cheap traveling. So we will busy looking for tickets, hotels, tourist attractions and places to eat that super cheap. If it is necessary, we should find how to traveling as cheap as possible. Finally our holiday can be tiring and lost it means.

Here's why we do not have to feel guilty about spending money during traveling:

1) Our time is very valuable
When we decided to fill the holiday with travel abroad, definitely our first goal is to get the best price towards the destination we choice. Without knowing, we ignore what is more important: the duration of the flight. If our choice to get the cheapest flights caused us much more time in journey, chances of getting a transit flight with the risk of long wait at the airport with no certainty or flight problems occur that reduce the time of our holiday. We better pay a little more expensive, with fastest flight. It will be even more worthed really.

2) Buying Experience
Do not think twice to get a new experience, leven it cost us money. We know it is rather difficult to completely separate this from our heads. However, try to remember again what we were looking after thus far from home? Yes, new experience, right? Such as when it will go to tourist places which pricey according to us, think again it is worth the money we spent? Eating a hot dog while watching the World Cup live in the stadium is far more expensive than eating a hot dog while watching the world cup in café that not far from our house. But then again, do not look it was all about hot dog, but the experience of eating that hot dog while longer to watch the World Cup live in a country that organizes the game. Not experience we got every day of course.

3) Opportunity Can Not Being Repeated
While walking around, maybe we found a unique museum that is a popular tourist spot among locals, but no list of recommendations for tourists. Do not miss the opportunity, especially for reasons of an entry ticket that exceed our budget. We're not necessarily going to re-visit tourist destination at this time we went to, was not necessarily the museum will be open forever with ticket prices are like today. When might we go back again, maybe the price will be much more expensive than the current adjusted to the level of popularity. Well what are you waiting for? Go in and set up the camera.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

3 Attractive Markets Around the World

pic taken from google
When traveling to a new places, especially when traveling abroad... sometimes we want to visit the center of the town crowd. At the first time we thought about that, maybe we will be interested  with the town's market.

Market is a place where local people interact to shop or spend their time, we will get to experience the local culture, local cuisine and foods that attracted many people. Markets always be a fun place for us to visit when we're in a new place, especially if we want to hunt some souvenirs.

Because markets in all the tourist destinations are always unique, especially with culinary experience of course it can be very difficult to sort out just some of them. But here are reviews of markets that recommended to visit when you are traveling around the place of these markets:

#1 Chatuchak Market - Bangkok
If never been to Thailand before, you certainly realize that there are so many interesting markets in Thailand. So what's made Chatuchak special than others? Chatuchak very attractive because of it has so many booth, too many in fact. In these markets, booth contained about more than 15,000 booths which of course you will be able to find whatever we want here. Whatever you want such as food, home decor, clothing or others. All you want to buy or see, you can find and get here, with a very cheap price. It's easy to linger here, but do not start to have an idea for visiting the whole booth  by yourself if you do not want to got headache.

#2 The Grand Bazaar of Istanbul
Istanbul is a place that known as one of old city in Turkey because of its role in past history. Istambul has one of the oldest markets in the world. One of the oldest markets in the world called The Grand Bazaar is located in Istanbul. You should not miss that market, really.

This market has a lot of covered area so it will be easy for visitors to shop and see the range of merchandise in this market without being too affected by the weather in this city. Very worthy if we mind to buy and take them home any fabrics and rugs that sell here because they are super pretty, so it will be able to beautify our favorite place at home. Bargaining is allowed here anyway, so do not feel embarrassed to get the best price.

#3 London's Borough Market
In London there are so many markets that are scattered in the area of ​​the city where sell any goods we wish to find the like clothes, flowers and household appliance. But among all the markets, which makes Londo's Borough Market special is that we can find various kinds of food here, ranging from modern food, the English's local food or even other exotic foods. Besides, there are also seafood, spices, café and more. We shall go to this market if we are the big lovers of food and always wanted to try some foods every visiting new place.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Are You Really an Ideal Couple for Your Wife/Husband?

After a few years of marriage with your husband / wife, maybe both of you would have a lot of things changed. Self acceptance and as a couple, a compromise about home management both of you. You've been together for so long, sometimes you perhaps forget the important things as a condition of a healthy partnership between husband and wife. And that includes the essential needs of the marriage.

Here's a list we've compiled to evaluate the things that have to be fulfilled as a condition for  achievement of partnership couples in marriage:

#1 Being a Good Listener

Maybe you are a transmitter of thoughts and good ideas to our partner, but let's remember whether in addition to the initiators and storytellers, you also pay attention to all our partner really said to you? Are you remain silent and pay attention until the story is over or maybe you think about something else, such as television shows what you miss by listening to what our partner say?

#2 Full Attention
If your partner sharing ideas, stories or thoughts... try to focus on what he / she puts forward. Pay attention to him / her, forget about the drama that we miss and social media notifications to your phone. Communication and good response with your partner will enhance the quality of the relationship itself.

#3 Hold Interruptions
If you do not agree with what your partner to say, especially if it becomes clear that you and him/her has a different opinion then hold it beforehand. Give your partner time to finish what he/she wanted to. Of course you will feel the urge to correct or give advice on what he/she thinks. Especially if before you and your partner was in talks tough despite the simple reason such as golf things shopping or fashion shopping that you don't really agree. Listen to him/her reason, may it's not be what you think. So keep quiet listening without cut off what your partner said.

#4 Pay attention to body language
When he/she speaks, pay attention to body language of your partner. Eyes, gestures and facial expressions are often able to convey what your partner really feel. Things like this will make you and your partner know more about the thoughts and feelings of each other.

#5 Clarify the situation
When your partner done with anything she/he'd like to say, clarifying the intent of the core of what he /she says. This is in addition to prevent from misunderstanding that you listen to everything he says.

#6 Ask What He/she Really Wants From You
Offer support for your partner by asking what he wants from you, what can you do for him/her? Perform a gentle compromise, because it could be your partner does not agree with what you are doing and he/she wants you to listen to why he/she did not agree with you.